Tipos de Plataformas no mundo digital
Parece que tudo no mundo digital recebe o nome de "Plataforma". Isso confunde e gera desentendimentos. Esta é uma lista com alguns tipos de plataformas e respectivas descrições.
O que as pessoas querem dizer quando dizem "plataforma"? Descobrir exatamente do que estão falando é um desafio. Se você fizer uma pesquisa, encontrará nomes diferentes para o mesmo tipo de plataforma; e também o mesmo nome para plataformas diferentes. 😐
Este post é uma coletânea de apenas alguns dos nomes e respectivos conceitos que encontrei nas minhas pesquisas em variadas fontes.
API platform
Plataforma de API
"An API platform is a software system with integrated tools and processes that allow teams to effectively build, manage, publish, and consume APIs. An API platform helps API producers manage the entire API lifecycle—from design to production—while engaging directly with API consumers. API platforms complement and enhance existing workflows through integrations with source code management tools, CI/CD pipelines, cloud infrastructure, and APM solutions, and they also enable leaders to create and implement API governance and security strategies that foster collaboration, promote consistency, and reduce risk."
— Postman, API platform.
API product
Produto de API
"Sometimes when people use the term API , they are talking about not only the interface but also the functionality — the code behind the interface [backend]."
— Mehdi Medjaoui, Erik Wilde, Ronnie Mitra, MikeAmundsen, Continuous API Management, 2nd Edition. O’Reilly Media.
Business capability platform
Plataforma de capacidade de negócio
"Business capability platforms that accelerate new product development by providing a set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that capture existing business capabilities. These platforms make it easier to mobilize and combine capabilities to create new products in response to customer demands, helping organizations directly target outcomes like customer engagement and satisfaction, and ultimately revenue."
— Thoughtworks, The enterprise guide to platform thinking.
Digital platform
Plataforma digital
"A digital platform is a foundation of self-service APIs, tools, services, knowledge and support which are arranged as a compelling internal product. Autonomous delivery teams can make use of the platform to deliver product features at a higher pace, with reduced co-ordination."
— Evan Bottcher, What I talk about when I talk about Platforms.
Platform business
Plataforma de negócio
"What we mean with a platform business is a business model (not a technology infrastructure) that focuses on helping to facilitate interactions across a large number of participants. These interactions could take the form of short-term transactions like connecting buyers and sellers or they could involve formation of longer-term social relationships, longer-term collaboration to achieve a shared outcome or sustained efforts to accelerate performance improvement of participants by helping them to learn faster together. The role of the platform business is to provide a governance structure and a set of standards and protocols that facilitate interactions at scale so that network effects can be unleashed.
Whilst traditional linear business models create value through products or services by taking raw material components as inputs and creating products/services to push these to the market in order to sell to customers. The platform business model does not own the means of production, but rather creates and facilitates the means of connection."
— Deloitte Switzerland, Platform Business Model explained in under 100 words.
"Platform business models where a company creates value by facilitating interactions among consumers, peers and service providers, with all participants benefiting from a ‘flywheel’ effect as the platform grows and scales."
— Thoughtworks, The enterprise guide to platform thinking.
Infrastructure platform
Plataforma de infraestrutura
"Infrastructure platforms that provide a 'paved road' to production, increasing technical quality, improving time to market and mitigating risk through a common, validated approach to security and compliance."
— Thoughtworks, The enterprise guide to platform thinking.
Internal developer platform
Plataforma interna para desenvolvedores
"An IDP is configured by platform engineering teams and consists of a standardized set of internal self-service tools and technologies that developers need to create, deploy, and maintain code throughout the entire lifecycle of an application. The toolchains integrated into an IDP enable a more positive and productive workflow for developers, focus on factors such as security and scalability, and ultimately help businesses create more customer value."
— Redhat, What is platform engineering?
"An internal developer platform focuses on a company’s internal development practices. You define a set of recommended and supported development paths to production and incrementally "pave" a way through them with an internal platform."
— Microsoft Learn Challenge, What is platform engineering?
Platform engineering
Engenharia de plataforma
"Platform engineering is the discipline of designing and building toolchains and workflows that enable self-service capabilities for software engineering organizations in the cloud-native era. Platform engineers provide an integrated product most often referred to as an “Internal Developer Platform” covering the operational necessities of the entire lifecycle of an application."
— Luca Galante, What is platform engineering?
"In the context of engineering effectiveness, we define platform engineering as the technologies, patterns, techniques, and governance processes required to provide a secure and scalable seamless automated path to production. That includes enabling easier infrastructure and access provisioning, more effective compliance, and cutting workload management complexity in an observable manner that reduces friction and developers’ cognitive load."
— Ajay Chankramath and Ryan Murray, Platform engineering: How you can help developers deliver more value at a lower cost
Product platform
Plataforma de produto
"We define a product platform as a set of subsystems and interfaces that form a common structure from which a stream of derivative products can be efficiently developed and produced. That efficiency is measurable in terms of the cost and time required to generate products from underlying platforms."
— Marc H. Meyer e Robert Seliger, Product Platforms in Software Development.
"A product platform is 'a set of common components, modules, or parts from which a stream of derivative products can be efficiently created and launched.' Included in the product platform definition are the subsystems and the interfaces between them."
— Olaf Kowalik, The Power of Product Platforms.
"Define-se plataforma de produto como um conjunto de sistemas e interfaces que formam uma estrutura em comum. É com base nessa estrutura em comum que uma família ou série de produtos pode ser desenvolvida eficazmente. Em poucas palavras, uma plataforma de produto pode ser imaginada como uma base para todos os projetos de produto individuais dentro de uma família de produtos."
— Merle Crawford e Anthony Di Benedetto, Gestão de Novos Produtos.
"Whether it’s through strings of software code or entire automobile engines, many firms aspire to save money, reduce risk, and achieve competitive advantages by sharing assets across different product offerings.
Developing those assets, also known as product platforms, is not without strategic, financial, and management challenges. Execution typically takes multiple product cycles, and firms must balance individual product needs with larger organizational function."
— Brian Eastwood, What makes a product platform succeed?
"It is important to note that product platforms are distinctly different from what so-called multi-sided platforms which will be discussed in part 3 of the series. Product platforms do not facilitate transactions between producers and consumers. Instead, product platforms are used within the firm to develop derivative products from shared building blocks to satisfy a variety of market niches."
— Eleanor Kolossovski, A Strategist’s Guide to Platform Thinking (Part 1: Product Platforms).
Software platform
Plataforma de software
"What is a software platform? A platform is a set of software and a surrounding ecosystem of resources that helps you to grow your business. A Platform enables growth through connection: its value comes not only from its own features, but from its ability to connect external tools, teams, data, and processes."
— Emilie Nøss Wangen, What is a Software Platform & How is it different from a Product?
"A software platform is a software-based product or service that serves as a foundation on which outside parties can build complementary products or services. A software platform is therefore an extensible software-based system that provides the core functionality shared by “apps” that interoperate with it, and the interfaces through which they interoperate (Baldwin and Woodard, 2009; Tiwana et al., 2010)."
— Amrit Tiwana, Platform Ecosystems.
Technology platform
Plataforma de tecnologia
"A technology platform is the foundation for building and running business applications. The platform allows users to run their applications smoothly without worrying about the technology that supports them. At the same time, it allows technical staff to rapidly extend, enhance, or upgrade application software, increasing the speed of business.
A modern technology platform typically includes analytics, database and data management, tools for application development and extension, integration, and intelligent technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT). These foundational components — or building blocks — help to drive innovation and business growth."
— SAP Insights, What is a technology platform?
"Twilio is a technology platform, like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure, which provides building blocks that are used in other technology products. Technology platforms are usually not visible to the end users of a product built on the platform. For example, while Netflix runs its services on top of AWS, Netflix’s video-watching users never see or interact with AWS.
Likewise, an end user of Lyft’s ridesharing service doesn’t see or interact directly with Twilio, even though Lyft uses the Twilio platform to communicate with their users. This type of platform is also known as platform as a service, or PaaS. The provider, such as Twilio, hosts applications on its infrastructure, and developers pay for what they use."
— Twilio, Platform.
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